Conjugaison du verbe string together [v.]
-string together
Istring together
youstring together
hestrings together
westring together
youstring together
theystring together
Istrung together
youstrung together
hestrung together
westrung together
youstrung together
theystrung together
Iwillstring together
youwillstring together
hewillstring together
wewillstring together
youwillstring together
theywillstring together
Ihavestrung together
youhavestrung together
hehasstrung together
wehavestrung together
youhavestrung together
theyhavestrung together
-stringing together
-strung together
Mots se fléchissant sur le même modèle :
wring out cling to swing over fling off string along swing about swing out string together swing to string out string up swing around swing shut wring from